I am a physician, artist, and art therapist based in Bucharest, Romania. My journey combines medical expertise with artistic expression, creating a unique approach to healing and self-discovery.
Born in Bucharest, Romania
Saint Sava National College, Bucharest Romania
Baccalaureate exam score: 9.85
"Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Faculty of General Medicine
Admission score: 88/100 (Ranked 26th)
Medical Career Highlights:
Artistic Journey:
All my life I have been in the rational side of life, in the approach of my career and personal life, living according to what I was taught it "was the right thing to do" and what would have brought me validation from others, far from being free to express my own voice. But what I discovered starting with age of 25, in late 2020, due to a personal breakthrough after I began noticing that "my body was saying no" to suppressing my emotions, and while working with many people and patients, was that the true responsibility for my work and for others needed to start with taking responsibility for my own life and for my own inner world.
I learned that the true space in which I was able to truly have the power to help others in the process of healing besides the business side of medicine and also besides overcompensating my insecurities through seeking validation and self worth through the persona constructed around my practice as a doctor, was actually the space I needed to create in myself, through my own process of self discovery.
I started choosing personal truth over fear and inherited patterns which no longer served my path in life.
Art came into my life as a powerful tool. Up to now, I had three painting series: Step into the Light, Accepting and Transforming – named and inspired by Carl Jung's process of individuation.
The first painting series, from October 2022 until February 2023, was entitled "Step into the Light". I started painting after a breakup and after I came back from India in September 2022, an experience that forced me to question all I thought I knew about myself and about life. I deconstructed and began the process of reconstructing, almost like being reborn. Since integrating everything was a very difficult process and continued after I came back home, I started painting at first as a way to practice mindfulness and to balance my parasympathetic/sympathetic nervous system and overcome my anxieties.
During this timeframe my faith has been my greatest resource. I started with figurative paintings and soon afterwards, I started exploring neurographic art. I painted my fears and my hope to overcome them and while painting I accessed a state of flow where I didn't use rational thinking, instead I let myself connect with and be guided by my intuition.
Then the second era entitled "Accepting", between June 2023 and January 2024, helped me face many challenges during medical residency, when after this transformative timeframe of my life, I no longer resonated with old behaviours, old beliefs and old dynamics I had been using before. The therapeutic process behind my art helped me accept everything, be aware of my triggers, and embrace everything I ran away from my whole life.
The next stage "Transforming" started in January 2024 and all the paintings have the foundation from the technique used in the previous "accepting" paintings series. During this timeframe, I took action and actually embraced change everyday on a personal and professional level. I let go of my inner critic and the idea of doing everything by the book. I accepted that it was time to close one chapter and be open for another.
My art portfolios up to this point represent an ode to the power of art, a universe through which I aim to express my journey and through which I want to help others find and trust their own voice.